Dear Seiko:
My Japanese is not very well; so I decided to write this letter in English.
Thank you for giving Taiwan (and me^_^) a very wonderful concert!
I am your fan since 14 years agowhile attending high school.
Kudo Shizuka, Nakamori Akina and you are my favorite Japanese singers.
Honestly, I was ashamed about that we do not have a good performance place in Taiwan (such as Tokyo Dome). Please don’t mind! Our dome in Taipei would be opened soon.
Please come at that time!
My girl friend and I all have a great time.
She is not really a fan of yours, but she really enjoy your concert
and is impressed by your performance, stage, band, costume…..
We wish to see you in the near future.
Thank you again for coming to Taiwan!
By the way, I am surprised that you speak English so well; communication is not a problem at all.
And you say much Chinese; I really appreciate your efforts.
You say that you would learn more Chinese next time;
but I think English is enough for us.
(Chinese is too difficult for a foreigner^_^)
Very few Japanese could speak English as good as you.
Take care, and happy 25th anniversary
sincerely yours
XXX in Taipei
Aug 22, 2005
“Yonekawa Koji”
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